Hard Rock Jackpot

4/13/2022by admin

THE PARTY NEVER ENDS AT HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO BILOXI. Turn up the amps on your vacation at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Biloxi. With everything you need to bathe in VIP luxury in our luxurious rooms and suites, from dining to entertainment, gaming and events, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Biloxi makes sure that every guest takes center stage.For those with the finest tastes, enhance your. When he came to work at Hard Rock Biloxi, the in-house jackpot topped off at $1 million, he said. Now, three and a half years later, it’s up to $1.5 million.

  1. Hard Rock Jackpot Dispute
  2. Seminole Hard Rock Jackpot
Gus Garcia-Roberts
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On Sunday, a gambler at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa was playing a $4 slot machine when its bells started ringing and an enormous figure began flashing on its jackpot screen: $166,666,666.65. Bill Seebeck thought he was set for life.

Alas, 'twas not to be. After investigating the win, casino officials told him that the machine had malfunctioned and he wouldn't be receiving a cent. The maximum jackpot on the machine is a relatively paltry $90,000- and the gambler wouldn't get that payout either. They even attempted to coerce Seebeck into agreeing to that in writing, but he refused.

Hard Rock Jackpot

It's not the first time the Seminole tribe has pulled a similar gambit. In 2007, a Sunny Isles man was playing the slots at Seminole Hard Rock Resort & Casino in Hollywood when it appeared that he hit a jackpot worth more than $259,000. He was even given an oversized check for the amount- before casino officials attributed the win to a 'computer glitch' and told him he would not be paid. After the story hit was reported in the news, the tribe decided to pay the full amount.

Seebeck probably shouldn't hold his breath for a similar reversal concerning his own enormous jackpot- although you can't blame him for trying. From an ABC news report:

Hard rock jackpot winnerRock

Seebeck says he is looking for a lawyer to help him comprehend the

convoluted federal Indian gaming regulations to possibly pursue legal



Hard Rock Jackpot Dispute

Update: Well, that was quick.We just received a statement from Seminole Hard Rock with the news that they've reached a 'good faith' settlement, for an undisclosed amount, with Seebeck. Something about the way this is worded tells us the gambler remains a non-millionaire- although he might have a couple of thousand bucks to whittle away on more slots:

The Seminole Hard Rock Casino Tampa has made an offer to William Seebeck, and he has accepted, recognizing that the slot machine he was playing on Sunday malfunctioned, in what can be best described to the layman as a 'computer glitch.' The maximum payout on the Ultimate Party Spin machine played by Seebeck is $99,000, although his bet of $1.50 at the time of the malfunction could have generated a maximum payout of only $2,500, with the right combination. Determination of a malfunction was made by representatives of the machine's manufacturer and software provider, according to established gaming industry standards, with confirmation from an independent third-party laboratory analysis. The casino has opted to settle this matter for an undisclosed amount as a good faith gesture, and we look forward to welcoming Mr. Seebeck on future visits.

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We all dream of scoring big! Luck is never planned so when we come across a win, the first thing to run through our minds is to determine what exactly we are going to do with all of this money! For some this became a reality all thanks to…luck! It’s #WinningWednesday and we wanted to celebrate a handful of our winners in a special way! It’s often a life-changing event and, while we always support responsible gaming, we also celebrate the winnings of our guests.

In the month of July, we awarded $69 million in jackpots! Check out a few of our lucky winners below. At Seminole Hard Rock Tampa, we also also offer different ways to win BIG! In the month of August, we are giving away thirty-one 2018 Ford Mustang convertibles. So, that’s 1 car a day, every day in August. Check out some of our winners below and if you’d like to learn more about the Car-A-Day Giveaway, click here!

Jackpot Amount: $77,090.38
Slot Machine: Platinum Quick Hit

Seminole Hard Rock Jackpot

Jackpot Amount: $7,024.00
Slot Machine: Double Diamond

Jackpot Amount: $15, 422.52
Slot Machine: Tree Of Wealth –Jade Eternity

Jackpot Amount: $7,780.00
Slot Machine: Quick Hit Platinum

Jackpot Amount: $6,500.00
Slot Machine: Big Bang Theory


Slot Machine: 5 Treasures
Jackpot Amount: $41,879.94

Jackpot Amount: $18,071.54
Slot Machine: Diamonds Dublin

August Car-A-Day Giveaway Winners

Drawings on:
8pm (Sunday – Thursday)
10pm (Friday & Saturday)

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