Star Clusters Big Win

4/11/2022by admin

BH - Van den Bergh / Hagen (open star clusters), see also VdB-Ha; Bhas/Bha - T.P.Bhaskavan (double stars) Bi - Biurakan (open star clusters) Bica - (open star clusters) Bica / Schmitt (open star clusters) Big - Guillaume Bigourdan (double stars) Bird - F.Bird (double stars) Bl - Victor Manuel Blanco (for example: open star cluster Blanco 1 in. The 5 eras of the universe There are many ways to consider and discuss the past, present, and future of the universe, but one in particular has caught the fancy of many astronomers.

✨ 25 brightest star clusters in the night sky

Also see list of 225 star clusters for a list of all notable star clusters.

These are the brightest and most interesting open and globular star clusters listed in the Messier Catalog. Messier star clusters are predominately found in the northern hemisphere.

    1. Star Cluster / Magnitude (m)
    2. Constellation
    1. Beehive Cluster (4.0)
    1. Cooling Tower (9.0)
    1. Hercules Cluster (5.9)
Star clusters big win
    1. Sagittarius Cluster (6.5)
    1. Butterfly Cluster (4.2)
    1. Ptolemy Cluster (3.3)
Star clusters big wind
    1. Wild Duck Cluster (5.8)
    1. Eagle Nebula (6.5)

Star Clusters List

    1. Pleiades (1.4)

These are the brightest and most interesting open and globular star clusters listed in the Messier Catalog. Messier star clusters are predominately found in the southern hemisphere.

    1. Star Cluster / Magnitude (m)
    2. Constellation
    1. Mexican Jumping Star (4.1)
    1. Southern Pleiades (1.9)
    1. Wishing Well Cluster (3)
    1. Owl Cluster (6.4)
    1. Lambda Centauri (4.5)
    1. Omega Centauri (3.6)
    1. Pearl Cluster (5.3)
    1. Jewel Box (4.2)
    1. Intergalactic Wanderer (10)
    1. Satellite Cluster (4.8)
    1. S Norma Cluster (5.4)
    1. Double Cluster (4.3)
    1. Hyades (0.5)
    1. 47 Tucanae (4)
    1. Omicron Velorum Cluster (2.5)

These are the brightest and most interesting star clusters listed in the Herschell 400 Catalog. Herschel star clusters are generally fainter and harder to spot than Messier and Caldwell star clusters.

    1. Star Cluster / Magnitude (m)
    2. Constellation
    1. Carolines Rose (6.7)
    1. Wizard Nebula (7.2)
    1. Cone Nebula (3.9)
    1. Christmas Tree Cluster (6.7)

Star Clusters Big Win

    1. Double Cluster (4)
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